A Finnegans Wake Gaarden

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magill o'dendron 588.32 - Begnal and Eckley:  "'Magill o'dendron more' may be read as many trees more" (p. 174).  [Possibly an allusion to the megillah, usually referring to the scroll of the Book of Esther read during the Jewish festival Purim, and is the origin of the expression which has come into the language as "the whole megillah" i.e., telling a long and detailed story?]

maize 224.21.  maizenhead 582.26.  Gran turco 132.29 - McHugh (A):  "It granturco:  maize."

mangos 60.19. 

mandrake 138.33; 486.13.  mangoat 353.2.  manroot [penis] 169.18.  Morionmale 577.1 (morion (L) = deadly nightshade).  thrydacianmad 577.1-2 (morios (Gr) = male mandrake; thrydakias (Gr) female mandrake).

mangold 211.3.

mangrovemazes 221.20.

maple 494.21; 587.32.  Maples 155.25.  maply 98.35.  "Maply me, willowy we, hickory he and yew yourselves."  98.35-36 - Eckley:  "Joyce promotes his tree fertility theme after declaring 'the war is in words and the wood is the world'  by parodying a counting out rhyme" (p. 127).  a horn 6.35.  legahorns 8.31 (Ahorn (G) = maple).   opulose 488.35 (opulus (L) = maple tree).

marguerite 281.6.  Marguerite 146.12. Margrate 387.19; 460.26.  Margaret 615.3. Margaritomancy! 281.14.

marigold 127.34; 214.2.  marygold 561.21.

marshmallow 575.17.

maryfruit (Jesus?) 495.24.

meadowgrass 207.2.

meddlar 145.16.  Meddlars 94.17.  medlard 433.35.

meiblume 267.29 (Maiblume (G) = mayflower).

Melcamomilla 492.13 (chamaim�lon (Gr) = chamomile).

mimosa 247.36.  Mimosa 267.2.

mint 7.24; 313.28; 541.11.  Mint 472.5.

miriamsweet 561.21. (?)

missledthropes 349.12.  missilethroes 616.32-33.  mistletoe 147.23; 265.17. mistletoes 393.30-31.  mistletots 588.35.  mistletropes 9.19.  mistellose 360.25. nistlingsloes 571.17.

monkshood 571.14.

moonflower 212.16.

moss 184.21; 556.18; 626.23. Moss 347.13.

mulbrey 265.1.  Mulbreys 553.6.  oakmulberryeke 221.33 (q.v. oak).  Mullabury 237.5.

myrrh 267.28; 477.29.  myrries 241.16.

myrrmyrred 92.13.  Cicely 224.21 (myrris (Gr) = sweet cicely).

myrtle 147.17; 226.10; 346.27. Myrtle 291.F4.  myrtles 105.1. 


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